Supersoldier John Urwin Explains How Special Military Skills (AKA ‘The Machine’) Were Downloaded ‘Matrix Style’ Into His Brain Subliminally By An Alien In Only 4 Days

Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviews British Supersoldier John Urwin, John explains how he was recruited by a special covert military group, now known as ‘The Sixteen’ and how he was trained by having a special skillset used in CQC (Close Quarter Combat) downloaded into his brain by subliminal means in only four days, the skills were termed as ‘The Machine’.

John tells his fascinating story of Ken the alien who was the military officer in charge of this special group of 16 soldiers, John was the 16th member of this elite ‘Black Ops’ unit.

The unique combat skills he learned & perfected in only four days, he says would have taken any other person or soldier learning them by conventional means, i.e. theory and practical one on one physical training, many months to absorb & perfect.

John & his comrades within the special unit of ‘The Sixteen’ were then deployed to various parts of the world to execute special orders in missions that even the most highly trained of military fighting groups today would find impossible to achieve.

He also touches on visiting the stargate that is purported to be in the vicinity of the Gulf of Adan:

Gulf of Aden” Stargate aka “Ancient Eye of Ra”

John also talks to Kerry about coming ‘False Flag’ events the ‘New World Order’ have planned for the near future, including an alien invasion and how the ‘New World Order’ is a British controlled cabal.

The interview concluded with Kerry suggesting they should meet in person, & asked if she could bring along a camera to film John executing some of the skills termed as ‘The Machine’ to which John agreed.

I don’t think I’d be alone in saying, that should prove to be one compelling interview, & fascinating viewing.

Peace & Love as always,
